REMEMBER: Even if what you would like to recycle is not accepted at any of the recycling centers below, you can still find recycling services that can. Use the Earth911 Recycle Center Search box in the right column of this page or go to to find the correct recycling center.

See​  for a list of items accepted and not accepted.

  • Unaccepted items need to be brought to the household hazardous waste (HHW) collection event. Please call 865-463-6845 for the date of the next HWW event.

Oak Ridge Convenience Center, 400 Warehouse Road, 865-482-3656
For Oak Ridge residents only
Hours of Operation: Monday through Saturday 7:30am to 6:00pm, Sunday 1:00pm to 5:00pm (3:00pm to 7:00pm during daylight savings time) Materials Accepted: all items collected at curbside and backdoor (see above), residential yard waste, automotive oil, antifreeze, lead-acid batteries
Materials NOT Accepted: hazardous materials (i.e. chemicals, paint thinners or strippers, adhesives, pesticides, fertilizers, household cleaners, fuel of any kind, etc.).

  • These types of items need to be brought to the household hazardous waste (HHW) collection event. Please call 865-463-6845 for the date of the next HWW event.
125 Cedar Place at the entrance of the Norris Public Works Building.
Cardboard may be dropped off. Pour used motor oil into recycle tank or after hours leave in clean container (with tight lid) by the tanks. 
The East Tennessee Technology Access Center -- -- accepts donations of working computers, iPads, and other electronic devices for use by people with various forms of disabilities. A webpage at outlines their requirements and what they use the computers for. (They are likely to modify the devices to meet the needs of specific clients.) It indicates that computers need to have a processor speed of at least 500 Mhz. Oak Ridger Louise McKown, who works at ETTAC, described their requirements as "XP or better."
 Disposal of smoke detectors with radioactive elements in them — Ionization smoke detectors containing less than 1 μCi of Americium-241 are exempt from Nuclear Regulatory  Commission regulations.   This means that  Federal Law does not  prohibit  the disposal of these detectors in the normal municipal waste stream.  There are, however, a number of State and local regulations and/or laws that do prohibit disposal of ionization smoke detectors in the municipal waste stream. In Oak Ridge, disposal in the trash is permitted